Boston fjölskyldan

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miðvikudagur, apríl 18, 2007


Var rétt í þessu að fá tölvupóst frá Amy prófessornum mínum. þar talar hún um vin sinn Bryan sem kennir í VT og missti dóttir sína í skotárásunum. Amy lætur fylgja með bréf sem Bryan sendi á sína nemendur. Þetta sýnir að jafnvel þó að Bandaríkinn eru stór miðað við Ísland þá er ótrúlegt hvað allir tengjast. Þetta snertir alla.

I don't normally share personal stuff with my classes but this time it seems appropriate. You may or may not know that I am a VT grad and still have many friends there. One of the professors I know lost his daughter on Monday. I'm forwarding the email he sent to his class. It is difficult to read but powerful. I'm assigning the same homework to you. See you soon.

Dear ACIS 3314 Students,

My family's worst fears were confirmed a few hours ago. My daughter, Austin Michelle Cloyd, was one of the victims in Norris Hall. She would have been 19 years old next Tuesday. My family hurts deeply for the loss of our precious baby. We ask that you pray for us and for the rest of the Virginia Tech community that has suffered so greatly.

At this point I don't know how or where our class will continue. The guest speakers scheduled for April 25 and April 30 may carry on, but in a different location. Expect to receive an email from Professor Brown or an announcement on Blackboard about this.

If we don't meet again, your final assignment from me is perhaps the most important lesson you will learn in life. Go to your mother, father, brothers and sisters and tell them with all your heart how much you love them. And tell them that you know how much they love you too. Go out of your way to make good memories. At some point, these memories may be all you have left.

May God bless you all,


At 18/4/07 14:19, Anonymous Nafnlaus said...

Úff hvað þetta var sorgleg lesning. Maður áttar sig ekki nógu vel á því hvað þetta var hrikalegt fyrr en maður les þetta bréf, það stingur alveg í hjartað.


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